TEQOYA works with a lab expert in air quality to make sure about the performance of its products. Our purifiers use a physical phenomenon known as eliminating particles of all sizes: the ionization of the air. Here are the results of tests on clearance of particles by our devices.
Summary of results
No ozone emission
No ozone emission was detected during the Teqoya ionizer operation: ozone density was similar and measured below 4.5 μg/cm3 with or without ionizer during experiments (except during cigarette combustion time).
Very significant particles removal performance, even in a large room.
On the chart below, a cigarette is burnt in the room. The measure of particles density is done at a roughly 2m distance from the ionizer. As soon as the ionizer is turned on, particles decay accelerates. In various test conditions, particles decay acceleration is 70% to 150% higher than reference tests without air purifier.
In another test the ionizer was turned on before cigarette combustion. This test is closer to normal condition as the ionizer should never be turned off (its very low power consumption as well as the absence of noise allow continuous usewhich is recommended to insure continuous air cleansing). The chart below illustrates that ionised air decreases pollution peaks and accelerates air purification.
Tests run in the smaller room (13m2 surface area) showed a similar efficiency and a faster particles decay than without ionizer.